
奠基 inception (2010)
禁閉島 Shutter Island-------(2010)
飛揚的羅斯福 The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt ------- (2009)
  Freedom Within the Heart ------- (2008)
 革命之路 Revolutionary Road ------- (2008)
 謊言之軀 Body of Lies ------- (2008)
飛行傢/飛行者/神鬼玩傢/娛樂大亨/飛行員/飛行大亨 The Aviator ------- (2004)
  101 Biggest Celebrity Oops ------- (2004)
  AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Robert De Niro ------- (2003)
  The 100 Greatest Movie Stars ------- (2003)
  'Catch Me If You Can&apos,coach鑰匙圈型錄;: Behind the Camera ------- (2003)
  Frank Abagnale: Between Reality and Fiction ------- (2003)
  聖誕壞公公 Bad Santa ------- (2003)
紐約黑幫/紐約風雲 Gangs of New York ------- (2002)
  "E! True Hollywood Story" Growing Pains ------- (2001)
  The Concert for New York City ------- (2001)
  Don's Plum ------- (2001)
  迷離沙灘/海灘/迷幻沙灘 The Beach ------- (2000)
  Titanic: The Premiere ------- (2000)
  Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years ------- (2000)
  Celebrities Caught on Camera: Volume 1 ------- (1999)
  "Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years" ------- (1999)
To Leo with Love ------- (1998)
  Titanic: Breaking New Ground ------- (1998)
  Leo Mania ------- (1998)
  Femmes Fatales: Sharon Stone ------- (1998)
  鐵面人 The Man in the Iron Mask ------- (1998)
   Titanic ------- (1998)
  名人錄/名人百態 Celebrity ------- (1998)
  泰坦尼克號/鐵達尼號/泰坦尼克/鐵達尼克號 Titanic ------- (1997)
  Directors: James Cameron ------- (1997)
  羅密歐與朱麗葉之後現代豪情篇 Romeo + Juliet ------- (1996)
  馬文的房間/親親環姊妹/所有從心開始 Marvin's Room ------- (1996)
  David Blaine: Street Magic ------- (1996)
  101夜 Cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma, Les ------- (1995)
 戀戀情深/不一樣的天空 What's Eating Gilbert Grape ------- (1993)


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